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Janina Sawicka
Marcin Chciałowski

Keywords : strategic programming, history, transformation stages, Poland

 Aim: The article aims to assess the dynamics and consequences of different periods on planning and develop­ment strategies as well as perturbation of the political system transformations, different governments, and the effect of election cycles. Methods: A review of the literature and the use of statistical analysis for synthesis and conclusions was conducted. The sources of materials were various: theoretical literature, legal acts, government documents, plans and strategies, and statistical data from GUS and Eurostat. Results: A com­prehensive long-term period overview of changes in strategic programming in Poland was completed. The time frame of the study includes the period between 1918–1939, the centrally planned economy after World War II, the process of political transformation in 1989, and the economic and institutional transformation in the 1990s, up to the period after accession to the EU in 2004. Conclusions: Strategic programming in Poland within the EU is an important instrument for allocating public funds to directions and objectives adopted commonly by all member states and European Institutions. The last 8 years have shown how the policies of one government can affect the system in a state with unstable institutions guarding democratic values. Further reform of the economy is necessary both for the needs of developing strategic planning and, in the short term, primarily to meet the requirements necessary to unlock structural funds from the KPO.

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How to Cite
Sawicka, J., & Chciałowski, M. (2023). STRATEGIC PROGRAMMING IN POLAND – CHANGES WITHIN HISTORICAL PERIODS. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 22(4), 81–92.

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