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Aim:The paper’s objective is to determine the behavior and attitudes of Polish investors and users towards photovoltaic installations in Poland. Methods: The survey was carried out by ARC Rynek i Opinia (the Institute of Opinion and Market Research), commissioned by the company Alians-OZE, which, as part of the cooperation between business practice and science, made the results of the research available to the authors of this paper. The study was carried out in April 2021 using the CAWI technique. Results: The most important advantage of using photovoltaic micro-installations included factors such as using a source of free energy and independence from electricity price increases. The most important disadvantages were the high price of installation and the period of return on investment. Conclusions: The individual users of photovoltaic micro-installations, due to their activities in the green energy market as prosumers, not only increased the amount of renewable energy available, but also increased the social awareness of the benefits of such solutions. Therefore, it is important to promote as part of the pro-ecological policy, as well as the measures aimed at promoting this renewable energy source among individual users.
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