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Anna Mazurkiewicz-Pizło
Wojciech Pizło

Keywords : wine, business, rural areas, tourism
From the beginning of the 21st century, interest in vineyards and the production of wine from own grapes has increased in Poland, both from the demand and supply side. For many vineyard owners, this is a hobby that is unrelated to the professional work. The aim of this study is to identify the most important determinants that are beneficial to the development of wine-making and wine tourism in Poland. The analysis of secondary sources was used, including data collected by the Polish Agricultural Market Agency (since 2018 National Support Centre for Agriculture), the International Organization of Vine and Wine (OiV) and the Institute for Market Research GfK Polonia. It was found that the most important factors favouring the development of vines and vineyards in Poland are: global warming; production of more resistant vine strains; increased experience and skills of vineyard owners in the area of viticulture and wine production; activities of non-profit organizations related to vineyards; inclusion of Poland into the EU zone as a country with wine potential; legislative changes; promotion of Polish viticulture; increased wine consumption and the search for innovative and profitable forms of agriculture in rural areas.

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Mazurkiewicz-Pizło, A., & Pizło, W. (2018). DETERMINANTS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF VINEYARDS AND WINE TOURISM IN POLAND. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 17(4), 115–121.

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