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Wioletta Bieńkowska-Gołasa

Keywords : promotion, film tourism, tourist destination
Film tourism is a phenomenon which is not very well known but developing together with new film productions and people’s increasing interest in this area. The film is to some extent a new promotion tool which uses a filmed image to show places and stories on purpose and in a way which is adjusted to the audience. This can later encourage people to go to a certain destination. The aim of the article was to find out whether film tourism influenced the promotion of selected tourist destinations. It was done by means of the method of diagnostic survey with the use of the technique of a standardized questionnaire. The results of the research in reference to film tourism in the promotion of tourist destinations indicate that it is a phenomenon that should be further promoted. It is because nearly 50% of the respondents encountered the term “film tourism”.

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How to Cite
Bieńkowska-Gołasa, W. (2018). FILM TOURISM IN THE PROMOTION OF SELECTED TOURIST DESTINATIONS. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 17(4), 5–12.

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