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Piotr Nowaczyk

Keywords : sailing cluster, sailing tourism, sailing services, small seaports
Despite an improvement in sailing conditions, the potential of Polish small seaports is not fully used. The limitations in the supply of sailing services, resulting from fragmentation and the reluctance of local tourism enterprises to cooperate are one of the main causes of such situation. The article uses methods of literature review, comparative analysis, and in-depth interview. A maritime cluster in Barcelona, whose creation ensured additional benefits for tourism enterprises, was selected for comparison. The condition for the success of the initiative was the involvement of public authorities in the organization and operation of the cluster. The increase in attractiveness of the Polish tourism sector should be sought in expanding the scope and quality of provided services. The first of the mentioned goals will require establishing close cooperation between tourist enterprises, while the latter entails competitive struggle. The cluster concept creates the possibility of simultaneous cooperation and competition. Creating a sailing cluster shall require support from public authorities.

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How to Cite
Nowaczyk, P. (2019). TOURISM CLUSTER IN THE SAILING OPERATIONS OF SMALL SEAPORTS IN POLAND. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 18(2), 69–77.

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