The Share of Cross-Border Shopping in Poland's Trade Turnover of Food Products With Neighbouring Countries on the European Union Eastern Border in 2013-2018

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Halina Powęska

Keywords : Food products, Foreign trade, Border cooperation form, Region cross-border cooperation
Trade turnover of food products between Poland and its neighbouring countries on the external eastern border of the European Union (Ukraine, Belarus and Russia) is an important element of the international trade exchange of Poland. The registered trade turnover had an impact on the Polish economy, whereas, from the point of view of development of areas located within the border impact zone, the unregistered trade that is part of cross-border shopping was of great importance. The aim of the paper is to examine the dynamics and trends of changes in terms of the share of cross-border shopping in the total trade turnover of food products with the above-mentioned countries over the period 2013-2018. A case study analysis conducted in all three countries showed that there was a steady increase in the share of unregistered trade in the total trade volume throughout the entire research period. (original abstract)

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How to Cite
Powęska, H. (2020). The Share of Cross-Border Shopping in Poland’s Trade Turnover of Food Products With Neighbouring Countries on the European Union Eastern Border in 2013-2018. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 19(4), 103–112.

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