Main Article Content
Aim: The aim of the study was to determine the specificity of marketing activities of the city, which is an academic center, aimed at students. Methods: The study covered the city of Lublin. The literature on the subject was analyzed, and the benefits for the development of cities resulting from the presence of students were indicated. Based on the analysis of the Lublin Development Strategy for 2013–2020 and its implementation, promotional activities in shaping the city’s academic character were presented. Using the results of the survey, students’ opinions on the promotional activities are presented. Results: Students are an important target group for promotional activities in the city of Lublin. The authorities undertake several activities aimed at improving the quality of education, cooperation between universities, improving the quality of life of students, or creating the atmosphere of an academic city. Students perceive the city of Lublin as conducive to studying. Conclusions: In order to better use the development potential associated with the presence of students, the Lublin authorities should strengthen information activities aimed at retaining students after graduation.
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