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Aim: To present the rational use of Poland’s soils as a challenge for science, advice, and agricultural practice. Methods: Comparative analysis using tabular data and graphical presentations. Results: Compared to many European Union (EU) countries, Poland has a significant area of agricultural land, which, however, is systematically decreasing. It is of great importance to shape the environmental awareness of both farmers and society as a whole, aimed, among other things, at demonstrating all the functions of soils. Conclusions: Rational management of the soil environment should include recognizing all functions of soils, identifying threats, and delimiting areas sensitive to soil degradation processes. It is necessary to implement legal and financial instruments leading to the reduction or elimination of threats and the need to take into account regional specificities. Furthermore, the rational management of Poland’s soils is a strategic objective and important call for the whole of society. The basic prerequisites for implementing this program are the comprehensiveness of the assessment and the cooperation of science and counselling with local and administrative authorities and the agricultural self-government.
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