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Edyta Gheribi
Gultekin Altuntas
Alessandro Bonadonna

Keywords : innovation, strategy, management, competitiveness
Innovation plays an important role enabling businesses to retain their competitiveness ensuring their longterm survival on dynamic markets. This article presents innovations in terms of an offer (product/services) and/or organizational/marketing process in the foodservice businesses as a competitive factor. The study was carried out using a qualitative, constructivist perspective and a quantitative research method from January to November 2017. Entrepreneurs working in Poland in the foodservice businesses were interviewed as were individual foodservice businesses in Warsaw and Łódź. A total of 70 businesses were studied, 5 chain services and 65 individual restaurants, 40 in Warsaw and 25 in Łódź.

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Gheribi, E., Altuntas, G., & Bonadonna, A. (2018). INNOVATIONS IN THE FOODSERVICE BUSINESS IN LARGE POLISH CITIES. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 17(4), 59–67.

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