Working Capital Management Strategy and Selected Measures of Financial Security for Dairy Cooperatives in Poland

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Marzena Ganc

Keywords : Cooperative creameries, Working capital, Financial security
The article evaluates select financial security indicators from groups of dairy cooperatives, and examines the relationship between the net working capital ratio and these indicators, in order to illustrate the strength of the relationship between pursued strategies and financial security. Most of the surveyed entities pursued a conservative strategy in the area of working capital management. The greatest relation between the share of net working capital in current assets and financial security ratios was found in the case of financial liquidity (according to the literature and the author's expectations), where this relation was close to unity. A negative strength in the relationship was noted between the ratio of working capital share in current assets and trading in inventories in days in all groups of cooperatives, regardless of the working capital strategy applied. (original abstract)

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How to Cite
Ganc, M. (2020). Working Capital Management Strategy and Selected Measures of Financial Security for Dairy Cooperatives in Poland. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 19(4), 33–40.

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