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Aim: The aim of the study is to examine the financial health of dairy cooperatives in relation to their credit position and trade credit strategy. Methods: Using the author’s synthetic indicator, the position and strategy for granting trade credit were determined, and the levels of profitability, liquidity, debt, and management efficiency were assessed in separate groups of entities: conservative, moderate, and aggressive recipients, versus conservative, moderate, and aggressive providers. The research carried out in the field of trade credit management at dairy cooperatives allowed us to establish that the financial position of the analyzed entities varied depending on their credit position and trade credit strategy. Results: The highest level of ROE was found in the group of entities categorized as conservative recipients, where this indicator was 11.1%. Similarly, the group of moderate providers also had a high level of 7.1%. On the other hand, the lowest level was found in the return on sales indicator, which was 0.3% and 0.4% in the moderate recipient and aggressive provider groups, respectively. Additionally, cooperatives following a conservative trade credit strategy had a higher level of return on sales compared to the cooperatives classified in the aggressive provider group. Conclusions: The profitability of assets, funds, and sales, as well as the level of liquidity, varied among the distinguished group of cooperatives based on their position and commercial credit strategy. However, there was no variation observed in terms of the level of indebtedness.
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