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Etleva Muca (Dashi)
Katia Zene

Keywords : Mishavinë cheese, slow food, farmers, VIS Albania
In Albania, the region of Kelmend is best known and valued for the Mishavinë cheese which is produced there. In this paper we analyse the farmers’ experience of origin-based cheese and being part of the Slow Food Presidium of products in Albania. The role of local producers is fundamental not only in continuing tradition but also for the social and economic impact it has on farmers in the area. The survey in this study was conducted with face-to-face interviews with producers of Mishavinë cheese. The type of survey used was a semi-closed questionnaire. A descriptive analysis was conducted to evaluate the main problems facing the local producers and their collaboration among the relevant stakeholders. As Mishavinë is part of Slow Food the Ark of Taste project, it has a great opportunity to bring producers and consumers together with the aim of regenerating this lost tradition.

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How to Cite
Muca (Dashi), E. ., & Zene, K. (2020). BRANDING MISHAVINË CHEESE: A CONTRIBUTION OF THE RURAL ALBANIAN ECONOMY. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 19(1), 41–47.

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