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Olena Vynogradova
Nina Drokina

Keywords : Internet marketing (IM), integrated Internet marketing (IIM), marketing mix, 4P, synergy

This research describes the main approaches of digital marketing models based on the marketing mix concept. It outlines the main components of various models, such as: “5W” Internet marketing complex of Mosley-Matchett; “8Р” e-marketing mix of researchers at the National Taiwan University (Chen); “6С” set of elements for an effective website by Chaffey, Mayer, Johnston, Ellis-Chadwick; “4S” web marketing complex of Constantinides; “4Ps+P2C2S3” digital marketing complex (e-marketing mix) created by Kalyanam and McIntyre; “3С+І” digital marketing mix of Pastore and Vernuccio; “SIVA” client-oriented information model of Dev and Schultz; “2P+2C+3S” digital marketing complex presented by Otlakan. The study presents a comparative analysis of the characteristics of these models, and the pros and cons for using each them as part of an integrated Internet marketing strategy. The study also creates a structure of Integrated Internet marketing tools based on the marketing mix concept which includes two blocks of components: key elements found in the traditional “4P” model and adapted to the Internet environment, and the elements “2Р2С2S2”: Personalization & Privacy, Personnel & People, Customer Service, Community, Synergy & Scope. The authors formulate a definition of Internet marketing and Integrated Internet marketing, based on the built structure of integrated Internet marketing of Kalyanam and McIntyre.

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How to Cite
Vynogradova, O., & Drokina , N. . (2020). THE STRUCTURE OF AN INTEGRATED INTERNET MARKETING COMPLEX, BASED ON THE MARKETING-MIX CONCEPT. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 19(3), 117–126.

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