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Agnieszka Skoczylas-Tworek

Keywords : non-financial information, non-financial reporting, corporate social responsibility

Within the framework of legal regulations resulting from both the Directive 2014/95/EU, and the amended Polish Accounting Act, large entities and groups of entities were obliged to disclose, apart from financial information, also non-financial information. Legal regulations in this area are not exhaustive and leave some freedom for entities to interpret and perceive such information. The purpose of this publication is to measure the chaos that has resulted in terms of public release of non-financial information. The basic research method was quantitative and qualitative analysis. It referred to the verification of non-financial information in terms of the form of publication, the level of detail and the standards and guidelines used in this respect. The analysis of non-financial data was performed on the example of 30 companies included in the Warsaw WIG30 Stock Market Index. The study showed that non-financial reporting is characterized by great diversity.

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Skoczylas-Tworek, A. (2020). NON-FINANCIAL REPORTING IN ECONOMIC PRACTICE. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum. Oeconomia, 19(2), 79–86. Retrieved from

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